And with that came a spring storm that knoocked out our power, downed a powerline, set our powerboard on fire and fried some of our appliances! Looking forward to the sunshine that is on it's way and noticing the beauty of it all along the way.
Spring leads us gently toward summer
Helps us shake off all that winter lumber
Frost-locked all the winter
The willows by the river
Shake out their powdery tendrils
Arduous cold gives way to warm ease
That last of the Violas pied
Spring yellow blooms and blossoms
Tips of tender green shoot forth
Apple blossoms bud in baby pink
And in the sunny fields
The dandelions shine.
Purple blue blossoms turn their heads
toward warm golden sun
The dry dead grass turns pea green
The wild flowers flourish
Cornflower blue and dainty white
Nodding their heads in the breeze
The rooster; the farmers' timepiece
And the hens, scratch between iris and daffodil
Pose like weathervanes mid garden
Paddocks of buttercups
watch the cow and her calf graze
Spring buds dance like the fresh new lambs
There is no time like Spring,
When life's alive in everything
Spring the time in which we rise
Breaking away from winter's ties
To dance again in the summer sun
Come spring, some!
Thanking God for all these blessings:
#634 Friends with a spare washing machine ~ phew!
#635 Same kind friends with a spare breadmaker!
#636 A friendly neighbor
#637 Sunny nearly spring days
#638 Warm sunshine
#639 Fresh homemade bread
# 640 Best friend's visit
#641 money the bank
#642 An afternoon nap
#643 church community
#644 knitting scarves
To hearld in the coming season of Spring, An honored and Beautiful Life is gving away this beautiful cornflower and mauve frilly scarf.
HOW TO ENTER September’s Spring GIVEAWAY:
Leave your anwser, to the question below, in the comments box ~
"What is your favorite thing about Spring and why?"
A winner will be randomly selected and I will post the winner's name via this blogpost at the end of the month☺